Monday, May 5, 2008

Mikhail Gorbachev and The Collapse of Communism

Mikhail Gorbachev contributed many reforms. Glasnost meaning openness and Peristrokia meaning economic reforms. He encouraged Soviet Union citizens to discuss ways to improve their society. In 1986, He made changes and revived the Soviet Union local gained power over their farmers and factories. People were also allowed to open their own private business. People now can choose from list candidates for each office. He also didn't want a nuclear arm race so he signed a treaty with the U.S. Glasnost allowed people to do things freely such as write whatever they want on the newspaper. Reading newspaper people now know the truth of the economic problems they are facing. Religious people wanted freedom of religion. People were also against Gorbachev. Many events occurred such as the Hungarian Communist Disband and The Fall of the Berlin Wall.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Collapse of Communism

In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev became leader of the Soviet Union. He relaxed Communist strictures and rules with reform policies of glasnost(openness) and perestroika(restructuring). Another cause was the rise of nationalistic resistance of the ideology of communism, attempts of increasing democracy. Berlin a giant wall that separated East Germany from West Germany came down. This was necessary because East Germany was a Communist Society and West Germany was a Capitalist. Many people tried to cross the wall, however got killed. When the wall came down this was the beginning of The Collapse of Communism. This opened up a lot of opportunities for the people that are sick of Communism. They now can also visit their family's that don't live in a Communist Society.