Friday, December 14, 2007

The Opium War

The first Opium War was when The British fought The British and China. They fought with ships in the seas. This war started because the British had opium and wanted to trade with China.Opium comes from a plant called poppy. In the beginning British gave away opium to the Chinese so they can become addicted to it and make it a physical need for them. The rate of addiction greatly grew in China. Later the Chinese wanted more opium, however British didn't give it away this time, now they wanted to trade it to them for tea. The Emporer was not happy about this so when the British came to the ports to trade with the Chinese merchants, the Emporer sent out ships to block off the British ships. Obviously, the Chinese lost because of their out of date ships and weapons. The Europeans had high powered cannons and ships made of steel. European won the war because they had more superior technology's than China.

Monday, December 10, 2007

"The White Man's Burden"

The poem talks about the white man's burden which talks about their job to civilize and bring knowledge to the Africans and Indians. They believe it is a blessing for them to come and educate. At that period of time England had the most Technology, Guns, and Inventions than any other country. They believe it is a blessing for them to come and educate these people that don't even want their help. This poem explains how at the end your son is "Half Devil and Half Child" referring to all the misdeeds he committed to the savages that caused him to turn into that devil. The White man may have raped a African or Indian women because of the lack of Intelligence they posses. They have so much power in their possession causing them to do foolish things. There is also a line where it says "The hate of those ye guard" discusses the racism the White Man has against the African's and Indians. They talk about how their race is the dominant race and the world couldn't form without one English man. The White Man believes they are the dominant race and is better than everybody else.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

"The Scramble for Africa"

The Scramble for Africa began in 1881. It was when different nation's all tried to colonize Africa. The nation's that were involved were Britain, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, and Italy were the main country's involved in the scramble for Africa. These European nations were looking for natural resources such as petroleum, gold , diamonds, timber, and ivory. Africans were also used for slave trade to the triangle trade to bring slaves to the New America's. This affected Africa by separating and splitting everybody up so they could not communicate with tribes. The Europeans created borders to isolate different Africans.It was very easy for Europeans to dominate Africa because of the Technology they possessed as well as a good military. Also Africa wouldn't have the intelligence to revolt against the British.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Film Lesson: "Mountains of the Moon"

In this film Richard Burton and John Speek were on a quest to look for the source of the Nile.The Europeans faced many different kinds of hardship. One was the lack of technology the had. They also lacked conservation of food. There were hazardous insects. John Speek was one of the victims from the insects. A beetle entered his ear and was causing him pain. He stabbed the beetle in his ear. They faced boredom and teaching African's how to use their technology. One was a dangerous and the primary advantage they had over the Africans was the invention of the firearm gun. I believe it was foolish to give a primitive unintellectual person a gun, who knows what they can do with it ? Its strange that the Nile river is named after a British queen when its an African country containing mostly African's not whites. When you think of Africa, White people don't come into your mind, unless you go back in time like I'm explaining now. It was so easy for Europeans to invade Europe because of the lack of intelligence the people there possessed and all the gifts the Europeans had to offer to them. What got me curious is, Why did John Speek commit suicide ?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Meiji Restoration of Japan

The Meiji Restoration ocurred in the later half of the 19th century. Japan is an isolated country. It had been locked away from other countries for years because they were imperialistic. In 1868 a Tokogawa shogun who ruled japan in the feudal period, lost his power and the emporer came into power and restored Japan. The emperor name was Meiji, he chose that name because it meant "enlightened rule" and also which the even was called THE MEIJI RESTORATION. Since the emporer was restored head of Japan, the nation had a weak military. The country also had lack of technoligical development. This caused United States and Europe took advantage of this by making them sign treaties which limited their supply of trade and in japanese citizens that live in the western parts will not be tried as the Meiji way when they do crime, however they will be tried as western citizens in court. When the emperor fell to his death in 1912, japan had many benifits to his death. They had a highly centralized bureaucratic government, a well developed transportation and communication system, a powerful army, a highly educated populations and free of feudal class restrictions.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Karl Marx and Communism

Karl Marx idea of communism was very unique. He was a philisopher, social scientist, historian, and revolutionary. He was one of the most influential social thinker of the 19th century. He invented communism and believed it very strongly. Communism is a society where everyone is equal. He believed that every working class should have the same wealth. Everyone share the same income.He wanted everyone to be equal. Karl Marx didn't believe in unique talents. Industrial Revolution influenced him to invent communism. He observed the way the poor get payed less while the rich get payed more. He wanted everyone to be happy. He didn't think people would feel this strongly against communism. In my opinion I believe that his idea of communism was a smart idea, however it didn't work out. I liked the way he approached in thinking of communism by observing industrial revolution. I believe that he thinks that the message of communism was not to anger anyone it was a token of peace. He relates to John Lennon allot.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Karl Marx and the Industrial Revolution

Karl Marx was a German. He believed that the way the factory's were run on industrial revolution was necessary to build a capitalist society which also led him to think it was a necessity precursor to the development of socialism and eventually communism. He was dismayed by the way workers were treated in the factory's and mills. He influenced workers of the world to unite in a worldwide revolution. He invented communism which came from the word common. He also quoted that " workers rather than landlords should control the factory's".I believe that his idea and perspective of the industrial revolution were correct, however he went wrong into inventing communism.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Nationalism and the Creation of Italy

Nationalism is not loyalty to the king but to the common history and cultures they share. Its when a group of little regions and states come together to make a government. Bonds that create a nation state are language, nationality, culture, history, and religion. Italy were one of the few to benefit from nationalism. The united from crumbling empires. From 1858 to 1870 many empires joined up with Italy and eventually became the shape of a boot. Before Italy was a country it was only a small mass of land. I show that I'm nationalistic by sharing my cultural food, share my religion, and talk in my language. I would also uphold our flag to show nationalism. Nowadays Italy is one of the main countries that support many other countries. One example is they invented the all popular pizza.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Simon Bolivar and Latin American Revolutions

Simon Bolivar was a leader of several independence movements throughout South America. Bolivar was credited for leading the fight for independence in what countries are now called Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Panima, and Bolivia. He also used a tactic called gurriella warefare which is a hit and run tactic.In 1803 Simon Bolivars wife died of yellow fever.He returned to Venezuela in 1807 and participated in resistance juntas in South America.He was then sent on a diplomatic mission to Britain and returned in 1811. He was forced to leave Venezuela because of an earthquake in Caracus , which is a city. The Bolivar had to flee to Cartagena de indias, another city in Venuzela. Simon Bolivar there created the Manifiesto de Cartagena which talked about a lot of important concepts such as opposing theinfluence of the Catholic church and the earth quake in Caracus as well as the bad adminstration. He was granted military command in 1813, he invaded Venezuela and won many other battles on his way with his army. After a collapse in his army he went to Jamaica to request the Haitian leader for aid and later won many more battles and captured more citys. In 1822 Bolivar became dictator of Peru. In 1824 he won against the Spaniards in Auacucho . Then in 1825 upper Peru was named Bolivia in honor of Simon Bolivar.Simon Bolivar was fighting for an American Style Revolution.Bolivar resigned his presidency in April 27, 1830.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Robespierre and the Reign of Terror

The Reign of Terror at first did not give democracy, the convention instead established a war dictatorship. Georges Danton and Maximilien Robespierre were governing the country. Prices and wages were unevenly enforced. Assignats were a type of inflated currency during The French Revolution that were mandatory to pay off debts. Robespirre thought every person was his enemy. He executed many people.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Causes of the French Revolution

The three estates were Clergy, Nobles, and the Peasants. The Peasants were the ones that felt like they were used cause they were the ones to pay the taxes the most. The peasants revolted by taking control of Bastille. Now every July 14th is a Holiday for French people.The Enlightenment changed France by making it a political power system instead of a monarchy system which it was previously.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Corpernicus and the trial of Galileo

The Geocentric Theory that came before the Heliocentric Theory. The two theorys were very different. The Geocentric Theory say that the earth centers around all other planets such as the sun, the moon, and the 8 other planets. This theory was thought by Aristotle and Ptolemy however, it was disproven by Corpernicus and also defended by Galileo. The Heliocentric Theory proved that the sun was the center of the universe. It was said that all planets and the moon revolved around the sun.

The Trial of Galileo was done because then roman catholic church thought his ideas were influencing to many people. They protested against him backing up the heliocentric theory Corpernicus. Later the trial ended him to a sentence of death.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Evolution vs. Creation

Evolution is when a singled cell organisim slowly naturally grow overtime from simpler ancestors. Sometimes a Organisim gets a genitic mutation causing it to grow different advantages such as wings to fly or a fangs. These advantage are heriditary which are called Natural Selection. Evolution also consist of adapting to the enviroment that causes these advantages. Evolution is mainly a way to create species in the world.For example monkeys evolved to us because we started wearing clothes causing us to loose fur and well as grow normal feet without thumbs that monkeys have.

Creation is mainly based on religion like the Old Testament Based on Creation all living things such as bugs, birds, humans, ect were made by God. Also according to creation and the Old Testament Adam and Eve were the first human beings to habit the earth.They believe that everything was made by god and only god.

Scientific Method

The Scientific Method is a report of a question, hypothesis, materials , procedure, and conclusion. Its also when you think of a question and make observation and anylze it. You also think in different perspectives to figure out the true answer.Then you make a hypothesis on Your own perspective. You then collect the materials needed to complete and answer the question. Afterward you continue with the procedure and find your conclusion and answer to yourquestion.