Monday, December 10, 2007

"The White Man's Burden"

The poem talks about the white man's burden which talks about their job to civilize and bring knowledge to the Africans and Indians. They believe it is a blessing for them to come and educate. At that period of time England had the most Technology, Guns, and Inventions than any other country. They believe it is a blessing for them to come and educate these people that don't even want their help. This poem explains how at the end your son is "Half Devil and Half Child" referring to all the misdeeds he committed to the savages that caused him to turn into that devil. The White man may have raped a African or Indian women because of the lack of Intelligence they posses. They have so much power in their possession causing them to do foolish things. There is also a line where it says "The hate of those ye guard" discusses the racism the White Man has against the African's and Indians. They talk about how their race is the dominant race and the world couldn't form without one English man. The White Man believes they are the dominant race and is better than everybody else.

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